Thursday, August 11
The next morning we get up and it is still gray from the storms the night before, there is a slight drizzle as Mr. F leads the hike to Baldy Town. Once we get to Baldy Town we once again meet our sister crew who is washing their clothes and taking showers. We head to the trading post to stock up on some junk food and fruit. Mr. F meets a friend of Mike Grant from college and they talk about the backpack that Mike sold to him. We shower and sort through the new batch of food we get, trying to lighten up the load by taking out the things we have to much of. We hike on to Black Horse Camp, still a little cloudy and dreary, but not much we can do about it. We set up camp and do an hour of conservation service by making a bridge, trail run offs, and Carens (trail markers made of rocks). Made supper and ate. This is were Mr. F & K made their spaghetti taste better by adding corn chips left over from the trading post. We hung the bear bags and did evaluation. We finished by about 6:45. The rest of the evening the crew pretty much relaxed. Some did EVS sits, some sat around and talked and a couple just went to bed to rest.