We had a good run! Thank you for 40 great years as your Scoutmaster, it's been an honor and a privilege to serve in this position for that long. I will cherish the memories, the friendships and the grey hair. I hope I can remain friends with all of you and you will keep in touch as I start this new chapter of my life. May the Great Scoutmaster always be with you as this Troop continues to serve the youth of the Racine area. God Bless you all!
This concludes the 161 days of blogs about my time as Scoutmaster with Troop 161. Hope you enjoyed the posts, brought back some great memories for those in the program, and for those who were not got a taste of the fun we have in Scouting.
Softly falls the light of day,
While our campfire fades away.
Silently each scoutmaster should ask,
"Have we done our daily task?
Have we kept my honor bright?
Can we guiltless sleep tonight?
Have we done and have we dared
In everything to teach them to be prepared.?"