Friday, August 12
Sam Kirkland led the crew out of camp at about 6:55 and we headed for Head of Dean. We stopped at Miranda to eat Breakfast and continued to hike. We saw a refueler overhead which was kind-of neat. We met Erik's crew on the trail and spent some time talking to them. They were having a good time. It was a nice rest but we moved on as it was beginning to get hot and we had a couple hours more hiking to do. While hiking Tim Wells spotted a bear on the trail ahead of us and we stopped and watched it and waited for it to get off the trail. Mr. F said that it was the first bear he has seen in the five trips to Philmont. We finally made it to Head of Dean about 11:30. We checked in, got a site, set up and ate. We went to ummm, the program ummm, the conservation program ummm. Steve, uuummm, talked uuumm about the trees and stuff. Then, uuuummmm we hiked on top of this ridge uuuummm to were ummmm they were clearing uuummmm trees and stuff. A Thunderstorm came and chased us off the ridge and we were unable to do any conservation work. It was kind-of scary coming down off the ridge, at one time we had a nice thunder crack a little to close for comfort. We sat under their fly for a while, during the rain. After it stopped raining some played hack for awhile others just talked about things. Mr. F and Rob L. saw a buck as they were walking around the camp. We ate supper and hung up the bear bag as we did every night. While at the bag hanging a piece of garbage that Rob Law had refused to pick up earlier, a feminine hygiene product, made its way over to Rob Aronin's boot. Its travels did not stop there either. It made it to Tim Wells garbage duty the next day so it made it into Tim's pack the next day too. It was finally disposed of properly.