Besides the Troop functions, I do a lot of things outside the Troop as well. One of them is I co-chair the reLYLEables Crew that does work at our Scout camp. It started with doing improvements at Camp Lyle in Elcho Wis, when that closed, we moved to Camp OhDaKoTa in Burlington. My fellow co-chair is Mike Foley, an active parent in the Troop at the time of its formation 10+ years ago, has been very instrumental in forming this group and we have stood by my side through it all. The group of anywhere from 25 to 45 tradesmen diverge on camp each year to put in a very solid 4 days of work at camp. The net value of what this group has done is unbelievable, while they didn’t have much to do with my role as a Scoutmaster, their efforts to our camps have made a very positive impact on the quality of the Scouts in our Troop and many others by making camp a better place. Next time you are at Camp OhDaKoTa look out the front of the dining hall and see the lake, that was one of many projects completed by this group. Thank you reLYLEables for your support of Scouting and to all the Scoutmasters, Cubmaster, and others who use the camp on a regular basis. You guys and gals are AWESOME! See you at the Holiday Party tonight!
Tim Falendysz
The productivity of the ReLYLEables, both at Lyle and Oh-Da-Ko-Ta is amazing. I don't know about the rest of the crew, but my body ached all over from a workout with that group! Thanks Tim and Mike for organizing this.