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November 11, 2013

Show us your Talents

This Monday will be a Talent Show along with a few collections. If you have a talent, hope you told Austin Miller about it last week and are ready to show us what you can do. Parents are welcome to come and watch, if they would like. It always proves to be an interesting night. So many of our scouts have talents (like a musical instrument) that we never get to see, this is that chance to show it off.

Good job

Hats off to all those scouts who got out and sold wreaths, the numbers are still being crunched as we add other things like store sales in, looks like we did pretty good. We are still looking for people to work the store sales, the sign-up sheet is available at the meeting, be sure to grab a spot or two and earn some extra money for your account.

Congrats to our Troop youth leaders

As many of you read this BSB this week, we have 13 scouts who are going through a pretty good youth Leadership training weekend hosted by our Leadership Corps. When all is said and done, this will have strengthen our Troop leaders to enhance our Troop Program. Way to go to all of these scouts for the extra effort to keep Troop 161 the best Troop in town.

Thank a Vet

This Monday will be Veterans Day, first thanks to all our Scout families who have a veteran in your family. It is a great sacrifice to preserve our freedom, THANK YOU! I encourage all scouts to stop and think about what roll these people have played in our lives. An extra hat tip to all those Scouts who have gone on to serve, using the leadership taught in Scouting to serve our country, it is greatly appreciated. Did you know that Scouts who earn Eagle Scout and enter the military automatically get moved up a pay scale because the skills taught in Scouting are extremely beneficial to the military?


That is it for this week!

Mr. F.

BSB 13 11 11.Docx

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