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BSB June 2, 2014

Looks like we can come back to the blog post version here of the BSB, hope it works better for everyone, but I will post both the document and post for a few weeks, let me know if it works for you....

Court of Honor

Scouts, see all of you at the Court of Honor this Monday night, bring at least one of your parents but both are welcome to celebrate in your accomplishments as well as other Troop members. We will also be kicking off our exciting Super Summer program that our activities committee have been working on for several months so that everyone can have a great summer, you won’t want to miss out on any of them!

Med Forms

Some of you are missing med forms yet, be sure to turn them in. Thanks to all those who got them done ON TIME. There are several who may have missed a signature, a list of shots or maybe copies of med cards, if that was you, be sure to bring those items with you on Monday and get that taken care of and close up the med form collection process. We need to get the copies made for our upcoming camps.

Red Shirt Time

After the Court of Honor, the uniform for most summer meetings will be the Troop red T-shirts, those will be for sale at the Court of Honor as well. We have a lot of used ones also available for free or nearly free, be sure to ask Mr. Williams about those as well. If you would like to order a sweat shirt, Mr. Williams will be taking those orders. If we come up short on a shirt sizes, we will be placing an order for more if we need to after Monday’s meeting, so if your shirt size is not available, we can order the right size.

Gear for Sale

I have a few back packs for sale that were donated to the Troop by past members. All money will go to the Troop, if anyone is interested, I will bring them on Monday night for the Court of Honor. It is a great way to get a great deal on camp gear. If you have more gear than you need, we will also have a few tables set up if you would like to sell some of your excess gear, as some of our scouts are looking to upgrade their gear or even starting out with their first gear, so it is a good way for both to save/earn some money.

Philmont Meeting this week

For all those going to Philmont, just a reminder that this TUESDAY (June 3) at 7 PM at CBTL is a Philmont meeting. There are several things on the agenda, including finalizing the shirt design and picking a crew leader, come prepared to do both. Don’t forget the final $500 payment is due, please settle that up this week, as most of the money has already been spent on your behalf. Parents are welcome to attend, but are not required to do so.

Changes in advancement

Boy Scouts of America has changed some advancement requirements for several parts of the advancement program. They have added some Eagle required merit badges, including the Cooking Merit Badge. I would suggest you take a look at these changes as you start looking at your Summer plans for advancement work. You can see the changes here. Also check out some of the new optional Merit Badges!

Lyle Programs

New programs are being introduced at Lyle this summer. They will have a new program area called “The Globe” which will be the home to Merit Badges like Theater, Cinematography, Public Speaking and a bunch of other Arts related badges. They will also have CPR certification available at camp and they are working on having things like Horse Back riding and Water Skiing too. Need Citizenship in the World? Camp will host a Foreign exchange Scout from Poland and she can help with your Citizenship in the World Merit Badge. Watch for more information on all the new items being offered at camp this summer. Who is ready to go to camp?? Make sure you start planning your summer and getting all the book work done as you finish up School, while and still in the bookwork mindset.

Scout Accounts

You should have gotten your Scout Account balance in another email, if your account is overdrawn (a positive balance) you need to make sure you settle that up or you may not be able to participate in the Summer programs. With the camp payment plan, Philmont and other charges, some accounts have gone way overdrawn and we need to get those cleared up. For any family that is having problems getting paid up, we ask that you talk to either myself, Mrs. Hardesty or Mr. Orlovsky and let us know you are not just ignoring the responsibility to pay. Scouting is not cheap but it should be available for all. Don’t forget additional payment plans, grants are available if the need arises but please don’t just let it ride without letting us know.

Court of Honor Handout

Be sure to take a look at the Court of Honor handout and see the new layout for all contact info, if you have items missing be sure to let me know and I will add them for a future handout publication. If there is anything you DON’T want in, the same applies. This is a reminder that this information is for SCOUT USE ONLY unless you have the recipient’s permission to use it. Hopefully this added information will assist in communications in the Troop and make things better for all. Get your handout HERE or the link on the bottom of this page. Password is T161

Super Summer Program

In the handout is a long list of super summer activities, take a look at all these events and see how they fit in your calendar and make sure you are ready to sign up at the Court of Honor on Monday. You can save money by paying early. Also be sure that if you want to go to the Kingfish Baseball game, that THIS Monday is the only night left to sign up as we have to order tickets before our next meeting. After this Monday, the uniform for most events will be the Troop red T-shirts, but check the fact sheets for the details. Be sure to check your current stock of red shirts and make sure they still fit, you might be going through a growth spurt and have outgrown your red shirt.

That should do it for this week. Come celebrate in the past three months and then get ready for a super summer and be sure to get signed up for another great summer!!


Mr. F.

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