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BSB August 18

Troop Service Project this weekend! Plan on being there

Event: St. Rita’s Festival Cleanup

Date: August 17, 2014

Time: 9:00 PM – whenever (Come early and spend money)

Location: St. Rita’s

Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt

Attendance: You must be here or excused

Program: Service to our Charter Organization

Transportation: Meet there

Hard to believe that this is the last event of the super summer..

This Week…


Date: August 18, 2014

Time: 5:45 – 9:15 PM

Location: Racine Yacht Club

Barker @ Lake Michigan

Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt

Program: An evening of sailing with experienced yachtsmen, followed by a dinner on-site. Please wear soft-soled shoes with light-colored, non-marring soles (deck shoes). Also, bring a Coast Guard approved life vest if you have one, (if not, a life vest will be supplied.) If there are enough captains, family member may sail if we have room, but scouts come first

Transportation: Meet at the yacht club. Scouts should be picked up at 9:15 PM.

Next week…

Next Monday is Advancement night, if you had a merit badge to finish up for next rank advancement, be sure to finish it up this week, so you can get a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review.

Couple Eagle projects in the works, here are notes from them…

Who: Camryn's Eagle Scout Project What: Building Picnic Tables When: This Saturday Where: At the Sealed Air YMCA in Mount Pleasant, the place we did our swimming test before camp.

If you can help, contact Camryn..

And this one….

Hey guys I am Codie Hannemann our current SPL. I will be doing my eagle project on August 23-24. I would like for anyone that wants to come and help please email me so we can make sure we have enough snacks to supply you. We will be building a shed at the new YMCA open air building where we took our swim tests for Lyle. You can meet me in the parking lot and if you need to contact me about anything text me or call me at 262-995-4780. Thanks a lot guys

Check out the pictures

Don’t forget to check out the pictures section, I have posted a lot of pictures of both Philmont and Lyle and a few events. If you have pictures you would like to share with the rest of us, be sure to get them to me (DON’T EMAIL THEM) via USB drive or CD or contact me and I can give you some other ideas.


That is it for this week!

Mr. F.

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