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September 8, 2014

What a Summer!

It has been a great summer full of activities, now it is time to collect the prizes for our accomplishments. This Monday will be our Court of Honor (COH) awards presentation starting at 6:30 PM. All scouts and at least one parent should plan on attending… Scouts should wear their Class A (tan) shirts.

COH Handout

The Court of Honor Handout is located HERE, be sure to click and print it out for your family to have for the next three months of activities, we have some good stuff coming up. Don’t forget, the password is T161 to open it.

Elections coming up

Just a reminder to all our First Class Scouts and above, our Troop elections are coming up in a couple weeks, if you plan on running for a leadership position, like Patrol Leader, be sure to get your form in this week so you can be on next week’s ballot. This is your chance to lead your Troop to bigger and better things. Anyone who needs a leadership position but does not plan on running but would like an appointed leadership position, don’t forget to fill out a form as well, we will select those jobs from those who submit those forms. Remember the Term of Office has changed, the new Patrol Leaders will be taking over on October 1 and will serve till March 31.Based on our current membership, we will be examining the Patrols and might be reassigning some people but will have that available before the elections take place.

Are you having fun in Scouting?

Looking back at that the last few months, is there anyone who is your age who might enjoy the same adventures? Has anyone ever told you, wow, your scouts do a lot of cool things, my scouting experiences was not as fun. If you know someone who might be interested in the fun you are having in Scouting, invite them to an upcoming meeting or maybe even an activity. It might even be someone who was in Cub Scouts with you, but dropped cause they thought it was boring. There is NO Requirement that you had to be a cub scout, scouting is for anyone who is between the ages of 11 and 18, so if you know someone who might be older, that is fine too. With our upcoming some of our upcoming events, you don’t want them to miss out on another fun activity. My only request, when you bring someone to the meeting is that you introduce them to me near the beginning of the meeting so know who they are. Inviting them to an outing will need to more info, so be sure to do that with enough time to get all that info. Know someone who is a Cub Scout age, St. Rita will have a Join Us night on September 16th, at ST. Rita at 6:30 PM, invite them to attend that event.

Camping Expo

Mark your calendars for September 27th for the Camping Expo, last year we attended the Camping EXPO in Milwaukee prior to our trip to the Fencing event. This year the event has grown and it will be at the same location as last time but will be outdoors so there is a lot of interesting things going on. I am on the committee for the event and am looking for some helpers in several areas, if you can help, please let me know. If you just want to attend, watch for the Expo Flier in next week’s BSB. Looking for some people who might know pioneering, something about Philmont or some other Scout Skills, is that you, let me know!

See you Monday night at 6:30!


That is it for this week!

Mr. F.

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