BSB September 29, 2014
Corn Maze and Bonfire
The corn maze and the bonfire is tonight (if you are reading this on Saturday).
Here are the details
Date: September 27, 2014
Location: Borzynski’s Farm and Floral Market
11600 Washington Avenue
Mt. Pleasant
Cost: $14.00 by September 15, 2014
Program: Join us for a trip through one of Racine’s most popular corn mazes. After an ear-atating walk in the corn, we will be going to the Hardesty Farm for dinner and a bon fire.
Uniform: Class B Scout uniform.
Meeting: 3:00 PM at Boryznski’s.
Return: The Scouts will be returned to their home between 9:00 and 10:00PM. Please have someone available to greet your Scout upon his return home.
Web Site:
Are you selling wreaths
I know a couple of you are, I have heard from some our customers, some have been leaving the notes and having great success. Get out and sell, don’t forget there are chances to win prizes for those who get out and sell early!
Troop Elections
This Monday is Troop elections, your vote counts. Due to the size of the patrols and a limited number of people running for leadership positions, we are going to continue the merge we had at Lyle with the Viking and Wolverine patrol being one patrol. Those that wanted to run for positions needed to turn in their application last week. I have the following people on the ballot
SPL- Jacob Oteman
Kodiaks - Matt Sisak and Chris Hanna
Pathers - Josh Lindholm, Alec Krupp and Travis Miller
Tigers - Brandon Dobrowski
Wolverine/Viking - Chris Krupp
Don’t forget we have other positions in the troop to fill that are not elected positions, be sure to fill out a form for those too.
Upcoming Events
Be sure to get signed up for the upcoming events you want to attend. You don’t want to miss out. There is some real spooky stuff going on for the hay ride campout, you want to miss it. We will be working on the gruesome details at this Monday’s meeting. See you there
That is it for this week!
Mr. F