February 2, 2015
This Monday is a ROAD TRIP
This Monday our meeting will be at Adams Engineering and Manufacturing Corp located at 1510 S. Sylvania Ave, Suite 206. Basically take the WEST frontage road to the industrial park south of Hwy 20, the building is the second one from the north end of the park. You will get to see some manufacturing machines spinning some parts and metal chips flying, it will be a great view of what manufacturing is all about. Give one of your buddies a call and car Pool if you wish. This is going to be a great presentation. Thanks to Tristian’s dad, Randy Adams for hosting us for the evening and we trust that all scouts will be on their best behavior while guests at his location.

Christmas Campout
A lot of fun was had by all at the campout, so much fun, some people left without all their things. I think I am down to a pair of boats and a pair of snow bibs (L) left behind. If they are yours, talk to me on Monday, they are in my truck for your claiming. Hope everyone enjoyed the gifts they bid on, and can put some of them to good use.
Just a reminder to Parents
If you have a job or a hobby that would be interesting for our Scouts, let us know, the Patrol Leaders Council is ALWAYS looking for good program idea, what can you do to help?
Car Show Signup
Car show signup is due this Monday, but with the road trip, we will extend the early payment till next week when you have the signup material available.
Election Time
Just a reminder, election time is coming, be sure to sign up if you would like to run for an elected position, forms available in the document section of the web page. It is YOUR troop, be sure to step when you can.
That should do it, see you Monday!
Mr. F.