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February 9, 2015


This Sunday celebrates the 105th birthday of Scouting this Sunday. Happy Birthday to us!

Learn to Carve

This Monday you will learn the basics of carving at the Troop meeting. We will be using soap because it is easier to learn with, come and learn the basics.

Sign ups

Last week was the early payment deadline for the Chicago Car show, we have extended that early pay deadline till this week, be sure to get signed up to see some cool vehicles!

Who will be our next leaders?

Next week is ELECTION night, so we want to get all the Leadership applications in by this Monday so we can make up the ballot ahead of time. If you have the rank, please consider running to lead YOUR Troop. It is a great experience and learning opportunity. YOUR Troop depends on YOU. That form is HERE

Coming up Next Week

If you are paying for camp in the payment plan, don’t forget that is due next week but you can pay it this week. If you have credit in your Scout account, feel free to pay more of the fees before you spend that money on something else. Just a note, that registration fees of $24 will be taken out in February and was not on your January statement that you just received. Also coming up this next week, don’t forget to RSVP for the Annual Dinner too.

Just a check list of things to do…

__ Sign up for the Car show

__ Turn in Leader application if you are running for an elected or appointed position

__ Pay for Lyle payment by next week

__ RSVP for Annual Dinner and Eagle COH

Committee Meeting this week, 6:30 at CBTL.

That should do it this week…


Mr. F.

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