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April 13, 2015


It’s been a while

It has been a while since we had a regular Troop meeting, but we are back on schedule this Monday, see you are St. Rita for another great Troop meeting.

Several things due

Lock-in and Spring campout sign up are due this Monday. The Lock-in will still be under the EARLY payment plan this Monday due to the fact that we didn’t have a regular meeting the last couple of weeks, so be sure to sign up for both! For the spring campout, we will have two groups, those who want to bike, and those that don’t, so if you are not interested in biking, there will be other options for you, so sign up! For those going on the High Adventure trip this summer, this is a great training ride, plan on bringing your bike.

Popcorn Due

Seeing that we didn’t have a meeting last week, Mrs. Miller will still be taking Popcorn orders this week, but they MUST be turned in on Monday.

High Adventure

Well the fact sheet is done and we are ready to kick off the High Adventure program for this summer. You can check out the Fact sheet HERE in the Event Fact Sheet section of the Troop web page. This is for all scouts 13 and older or have completed the 7th grade by the time of the event. Let’s get signed up! We are looking for a couple of adults to help on this as well, if you are interested, but sure to sign up so we can get the final things planned out.

Med Forms

Have you taken care of your Med Forms yet? If not, please do so right away, the dead line for this is coming up quick! Remember, everyone needs a med form completed between August 9, 2014 – August 9, 2015, so be sure you have a current med form, be sure to make your family has made an appointment to get this done. Thanks for those who have already turned in your forms!


Several of the recent Eagle recipients sent the Troop Thank You notes thanking the entire Troop for all the work they put into their Dinner and Ceremony that we had a few weeks ago. Thanks to all those who helped out.

That should do it, see you Monday night!


Mr. F.

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