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June 15th, 2015


School is out for SUPER SUMMER program

Congrats to all our scouts for completing another year of School, let’s enjoy a great summer of Scouting! Let’s keep the fun rolling….

This Monday…

June 15, 2015

Swimming Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Location: Mt. Pleasant YMCA 8501 Campus Drive Mount Pleasant, WI

Off of 90th Street, between Hwy C and Hwy 20

Uniform: Swim suit, towel and lock

Cost: FREE

Program: Do you feel that there is never enough time on the first day of camp? Does the swim test take up too much of our valuable time that could be better spent pitching tents and dining flies? Do you need more time to get that mosquito net just right? If so, please join us for a night of swimming at the Sealed Air YMCA located in Mt. Pleasant. We will be conducting a BSA swim test along with an open swim. This swim test will be valid for our week at camp, giving us the swim test time to get settled in at camp. This swim test is also required for anyone going on the High Adventure trip and skiing.

Lot of med forms missing yet!

If you have not turned one in yet, PLEASE DO SO, we need med forms annually to make sure that we do everything safely for all scouts. Please get this done, pretty disappointing how many people who have not turned them in yet.

Sorry we had a cancel the bike ride last week, but it was the right choice, as it did end up raining before we would have been complete, we would have gotten soaked! There were times it looked like we might sneak it in, but it didn’t happen. Is anyone interested in rescheduling this event, we can if you need it for advancement.

That should do it,


Mr. F.

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