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August 31, 2015

Super Summer sails to the finish!

Just a reminder, that the Super Summer program this week is a make up for the Sailing trip that got rained out a couple weeks ago. So the facts are the same.

Sailing on Lake Michigan

Time: 5:45 – 9:00 PM

Location: Racine Yacht Club

Barker @ Lake Michigan

Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt and a windbreaker style jacket, Water temps right now are about 55 degrees, you will be surrounded by that temp, what do you think it will be ON the boat?

Sign up was done at the last Troop meeting or online, those who signed up for the first time and now not going will get a refund, those who signed for this one and not the first list will be billed.

Program: An evening of sailing with experienced yachtsmen, followed by a dinner on-site.

•Please wear soft-soled shoes with light-colored, non-marring soles (deck shoes).

•Also, bring a Coast Guard approved life vest if you have one, (if not, a life vest will be supplied.)

If there are enough captains, family member may sail if we have room, but scouts come first

The SCOUTS will sail. Families are welcome to join us for dinner.

Transportation: Meet at the Racine Yacht club, by the south end of North Beach. Scouts should be picked up at 9:00 PM.

Advancement Night too!

Just a reminder that we will also be collecting advancement at this Monday’s meeting. If anyone is requesting a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, you must email me by Sunday night so we can make sure we have the people there to do those items. It is a busy Monday night in order to make up for a lost meeting, we need to have a PLAN to cover it all and your request ahead of time is part of that plan. So please let me know. For those needing a Scoutmaster conference, that might mean you will have to sit out the sailing portion of the evening to get this stuff done, not sure there is time for a SM Conf, Board of Review, Sailing and dinner, but we can see how that plays out depending on how many need those, the brief poll at last Monday’s meeting did not show anyone needing either. Last Chance to turn in things for the next Court of Honor is this Monday.

A BIG thanks

St. Rita asked me to pass on a big Thank You to all of the Scouts and adults who helped with the Festival clean up. As someone said to me, it is always so cool when that sea of red shirts comes in and the festival is cleaned up in a flash. Hats off to all of you for helping out, it is great thing to do for our sponsoring organization.

Super Summer

At the conclusion of this week, that will also conclude our super summer activities for the summer, its back to school time for all. I would like to thank Mr. Sisak and the activities committee for planning a great summer full of activities; we have had a great deal of fun. Thanks to all those who assisted in making these event successful by driving and helping in other ways, THANKS!! Court of Honor will be September 14th at 6:30 PM, mark your calendars!

Horsemanship Merit Badge

I was talking to Katie Schneider, a merit badge counselor for Horsemanship Merit badge, and she asked me to pass on to the troop that if anyone wants to work on Horsemanship Merit Badge, she would be glad to work on it with you (especially Jacob, we know you love horses) , If interested please give her a call. Her number is 262-672-1312

That’s all this week, see you lakeside! Remember, lower water temps, means lower air temps when out on the lake.


Mr. F.

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