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November 2, 2015

Wreath Sales-Door to Door coming to an end.

This Monday is the deadline for the 2015 Wreath sales, so be sure to follow up on any loose ends on your sales, so you can pay for your camp expenses. Remember, for some, buying a wreath from a member of Troop 161 is a Christmas tradition, just like a tree and Santa, don’t mess up someone’s Christmas tradition by being lazy and not following up on sales. We expect you to come with all your green sheet all tallied up at the BEGINNING of the meeting, parents please double check these sheets before you turn them in, to make sure we get the right number wreaths to fill your order requests. If you have orders for mail orders, be sure to bring those mail order labels, all filled out ready to go as well. If you are not going to be able to make it for the pick up at my house on November 21, please mark on the tally sheet that you will make special arrangements for pickup and we won’t call you on the 21st. Need a tally sheet, check out Troop documents section of the web page. Didnt get enought wreaths sold, dont forget to sign up for store sales on Monday!

Did you sign up for the Trampoline Park

If you didn’t sign up for the Trampoline Park/Trade- O Ree yet, be sure to do so THIS WEEK, because the event is next weekend and we need to arrange transportation and make reservations. Fact sheet is online or we will have some at the table on Monday.

Watch for something new

We are working on a new plan to make some of the meetings more exciting. Once every 4 to 6 weeks we would like to do a thing we will call “Road Trip Mondays”. These trips will include field trips to different locations around the Racine area on a Monday night. They might be local manufacturing locations, maybe shops that do something unique or something similar. We are looking to create a list of these types of places to put out as options for PLC to select. We have done some of this in the past, such as the Court House, Adams Engineering and things like that, but we are looking for new exciting trips. If anyone has ideas, please let me, the other Scoutmasters or your PLC know. Parents it might be your place of business. Think about what might be good introductions to possible careers for our scouts!

Turn in things for the Court of Honor

November has 5 Mondays, so the last meeting before the Court of Honor will be November 30, but we are trying to schedule a Road Trip Monday for that night, and then on November 16, our Troop meeting will not be a standard meeting, as we will be doing a joint meeting with Pack 161. So we are going to be collecting all the advancement for the December 7th Court of Honor by November 9th, to allow time to get things all processed in time for the Court of Honor. Be sure to turn in your advancement on November 9th! If for some reason you can’t get it done by then, please talk to myself or Mrs. Williams.

December Event Scheduled

The December event will be the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, you can get the Fact Sheet HERE. Print it out and sign up for this event now, it is going to be another great Chicago adventure.

Life to Eagle (From the Council Newsletter)

Attention Star and Life Scouts! You and your parents are invited to attend the Life to Eagle Training on November 3, 2015. The purpose of Life to Eagle training is to motivate Scouts to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.

  • Life to Eagle training will be held at the Oak Creek Salvation Army, 8853 South Howell Avenue.

  • Check-in begins at 6:00 p.m.; training will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

  • The cost of the event is FREE!

For more information and to register, click here.


Mr. F.

BSB 15 11 02.Docx

Troop161 Web Site Court of Honor Handout Online Troop Photo Album

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