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February 1, 2016

Continue where we left off

Last meeting, we made and learned about rope, this week we will take it to the next step and use the rope, so brush up on your knots, we are going to have some fun games to do with knots, be there to support your patrol and win the competition!

Admirals Game

This week is the early payment for the admiral’s game, come one, come all for a great event. Don’t forget the Badger Band will be playing after the game, so besides the great hockey, maybe a little pushing and shoving, we get to hear one of the great college bands play, it will be a fun filled evening, you don’t want to miss it.

Time to start thinking about Summer Camp

Yep, camp is approaching and time to kick off this year’s camp program. I have posted the Camp Fact Sheet in the document section, be sure to click on it. Everyone should also be scheduling their doctor’s appointment for the physical exam for camp too. One of the changes this year is that sign up for merit badges will be done in March, so be sure to start thinking about what you want to work on this summer, more info will be sent out in future BSB’s.

Do you know anyone interested in Scouting?

Do you know anyone who might be interested in Boy Scouting, there is always a good time to invite your friends to join Scouting? Think about going to camp with your non-scout friends. Get them involved in Scouting and they could join you for a week at camp, the super summer program and all the fun things we do. Why wouldn’t you want them to experience the fun of Scouting. You can join Scouts any age between 11 and 18, Cub Scouting experience is not required to join Boy Scouts.

Looking for adult help

After many years of years of chairing the Troop Annual Dinner and Eagle Court of Honor, Kim Williams retired from that job last year and we are putting together a team of people to take over some of the duties that were covered by her in the past. First to those who have already accepted some of the jobs, THANK YOU! We are still looking for some things to be done. Two that come to mind right now is that we are looking for a couple parents who might be willing to stuff invite envelopes maybe at a future troop meeting while your son is in the meeting. Another thing we could use some help with is we would like to refresh on our table decorations. Looking for some people who are crafty who might want to take on that task, maybe work with a few other people. If anyone is interested in helping, shoot me or Pete Koenig a note. There will be some more tasks, so if you are not interested in these, keep your eyes open for some other tasks. Also remember to mark March 19th for the dinner, would like to see the entire Troop at this annual event, we will also need help on the day of the event setting up as well.

See you Monday at the meeting…


Mr. F.



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