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June 6, 2016

Who is ready for a SUPER SUMMER!

Well maybe the better question, how is ready for summer vacation?? The both go together, fun, sun and scouting great adventures!

Court of Honor this Monday

This Monday will be the Court of Honor that starts at 7 PM at Cascia Hall. Every scout and at least one parent should be there. We will not only be celebrating our last three months of advancement and activities but kicking off our super summer that starts next week with a blast. You can get your Court of Honor handout HERE. Remember, PW is T161

Med Forms

Med forms are always a pain to collect and we once again have a list of people who have missing things and then more than don’t have their form turned in yet. Here is the list from Mr. Voelz, report after his first pass of info. If you have questions, please contact him and let him know when it will be taken care of.

These are the people that still need Insurance Info attached

Brandon Dobrowski

Brett Dobrowski

Kyle Koening

Jonathan Kroes

Michael Kroes

Daniel Latyshev

Austin Lentz

Dalton Yonkovich

People that still need part C (Doctor Exam) Nicholas Hogan

People we still need Med Forms Josh Lindholm, Ethan Sus

Adults that have their Med Forms DONE, still a lot of forms missing; Kathy Anderson, Jerry Sisak, Mark Orlovsky, Jeff Voelz, Jason Schuls.

Please take care of getting these done! --THANKS! More names may be added after future review of the data.

Sign up and get the early fees

The Court of Honor handout has all the things you need to get signed up for events and save money, we have a lot of good events coming up and you don’t want to miss any of them.

How to be the best Scout, how parents can help!

Every once in a while I have to take the time to remind Scouts it is YOUR responsibility to take care of things at the Scouting level. It is the time in your life to take on the tasks your parents have covered you in the past. Things like signing up for events you would like to attend, working on advancement and arranging merit badge counselors and things like that. Boy Scouts covers a time span that includes 10+ yr olds all the way to 17 years old so for the parents out there, if you don’t want to do this ALL YOUR SON’S LIFE, I would highly suggest that you encourage your son to take care of “their” scouting responsibility. Scouts prove to your parents you can take care of it all and fill out the super summer form this week, discuss with your parent and make sure everything works out with your family calendar and turn in your forms. On the same subject, scouts, don’t forget to do your prerequisites for all your merit badges this summer too. Now that School is coming to an end, it gives you time to work on these badges. For our new scouts, read up on the knife, ax, saw, fire safety so we can get your Totin chip taken care of first thing at camp so you can help out your patrol.

Who is ready for a SUPER SUMMER?


Mr. F.

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