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July 25, 2016

Another successful camp!

Thanks to all those who made camp a successful year at our new camp. It was a great success for all the by the Friday night campfire survey, everyone had a good time. While there were many changes from our previous camp, everyone seemed to adjust nicely. We got a lot of advancement completed and scouts had a great time. They also learned outdoor safety with the power of nature as we had some HOT days and then some storms roll through that dumped a lot of rain. Even blew down the Scoutmaster’s tent :(. There were a few things on the drying line after that. All and all, a great fun and safe trip. Thanks to all who made it successful, both at camp and at home. Another great camping adventure in the books for Troop 161.

This Monday

July 25, 2016

Bike Ride

Time: 5:45 – 8:00

Location: St. Rita’s

Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt

Cost: FREE

Early Payment: FREE


Join us for a ride around town. Be sure to bring your bike, a helmet (required) and a water bottle (a really good idea). A treat will be waiting for us when we get back to St. Rita’s. Interested in completing a 2nd Class requirement, here is your opportunity!

Don’t Forget

Don’t forget that next week (July 31) will be the County Fair and will be on SUNDAY as opposed to Monday. Make sure you keep your Sunday clear if you are planning on attending.

Some Local News

Sunday’s Journal times is reporting, while on the way home from camp, a Scout group from Racine was involved is a traffic accident in Green Bay that sent 6 scouts to the hospital. Obviously this is not our unit but if you have any friends or relatives who may assume it was, you might want to share that you (your son) are safe at home. At the same time, you might also want to keep this other troop in your prayers. The latest report I heard late Saturday evening, all will recover from injuries. There are a few bruised and broken bones and one head injury (adult), they all hope to be home with their families this weekend.

As a scout leader, knowing the level of trust that each family puts on the leaders of our Troop to safeguard their son’s while on a scouting adventures, this might be a good time to assure the Troop 161 family, the leadership take safety very seriously and every safety precaution we can to insure the safety of all. Even with all these safety precautions, accidents happen. In this travel case, it appears that all were wearing seat belts which is a BSA requirement (and the state of Wisconsin) and probably saved some lives and more serious injuries in this incident. As with our week at camp, in the heat and the storms, BSA has some set some standards, like adding cooling stations, adjusting programs to encourage scouts to find ways to cool off, and to make sure they stay hydrated. Even every day procedures for simple things like food handling and dish washing, knife and fire safety keep our scouts safer. Scouting is very consciences of the trust put in both the volunteer and professional leadership of the Scouting programs and all take it very seriously. As volunteer leaders, we are required to take frequent training to make sure we are up to the latest and safest standards (Check out the eLearning of the BSA). If any parent or scout has any concern about how we handle safety at the Troop level please let me or Pete Koenig (Committee chair) know and we WILL address it. At the same time, if you have any questions about something, please don’t be afraid to ask, but also understand, if you have not seen it first hand, many times stories may not be what actually what happen as they get sensationalized, but don’t be afraid to tell us about it, we will sort through and get to the base of the story if we can.

That should do it this week, see you soon! Glad to be home, in the AC! Ahhhh cool air!


Mr. F.

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