August 8, 2016

Wisconsin State Fair this week
Time: 5:45 – 11:00 PM
Location: Wisconsin State Fair Grounds, West Allis, WI
Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt
Program: Join us at the fair! It’s all there! Anything from animals to Sham Wow’s to rides to more things on a stick that anyone could eat! Bring enough money to match your appetite for food and fun.
Transportation: 5:30pm from St. Rita’s parking lot. The Scouts will be dropped off at their homes around 11:00 PM. Please have someone home to greet your Scout.
NOTE, I added to the end time, I suspect the scouts will need more time to eat the cream puffs and everything on a stick They may be home earlier, but don’t be surprised if it not til 11 PM especially if they are the last one dropped off.
BE AWARE! The State Fair now has metal detectors at the gates and will confiscate anything they deem inappropriate at the fair, so be sure you don’t have any pocket knives or other things that will be consider unacceptable at the fair. We all know scouts like to carry pocket knives.
Super Summer
Next week is fishing… and then the final super summer program is Action Territory. WOW where has the summer gone? If you are going, be sure you are on the list so we can plan accordingly.
IMPORTANT READ, for both Scouts and parents
For the most part things have gone very well this summer, my job as Scoutmaster and the other leaders is to guide scouts to be better people and for the most part that is happening. We can’t begin to tell all the stories we have seen where scouts have benefited from the Scouting program, and why many of us spend so much time to make it great. Recently, we have struggled with a few things that I want to address and are seeking the assistance of the scouts and parents to help out. Many times COMMUNICATIONS in the breakdown of things and let’s start there so there is no confusion. We have had three issues that need to be addressed; Cell Phones, Hats and Uniforms. So let’s start with the Troop rules on all of these. (For the sake of the discussion, activities include ALL meetings, events and gatherings of the troop.)
Cell Phones- No cell phones by youth at any activity of the Troop. If a parent feels the scout MUST have a phone, they can turn it in at the beginning of the event and pick it up at the end of the meeting. Anyone who forgets to take the phone out of their pocket and gets to an event, they may turn it into the Scoutmaster or amnesty box to avoid getting in trouble. Phones that include cameras, music players and GPS units are still considered phones and fall under the phone policy including in vehicles during travel. Adults may have phones, but use is discouraged in areas that would disturb the scouting activity. The Scoutmaster staff will have phones and may need to use the phone for emergencies and to keep tabs on the weather conditions for safety reasons. Any parent who needs to get in contact, may call one of them, preferably me as Scoutmaster.
Hat- Scouts are allowed to wear the troop issued red baseball style hat (encouraged on sunny days to prevent sun exposure). The Troop will also allow other styles of SCOUTING hats (camp hats, Philmont hats etc, BSA supply hats). For those who prefer other styles of hats, they can request approval, but typically they should not include logos or sayings on them. Just cause a hat has a scout pin, patch or other scout marking, does not qualify it as a Scout hat. ALL hats should be worn as they were designed with bill facing forward. Backwards, sideways or other angles are not acceptable.
Uniforms – Class A shirts should always be tucked in and buttoned up except for the top button. They should be well kept and clean. They should not be worn untucked or with more than the top button open. Regular washing is encouraged. Class B uniforms are RED SHIRTS as they were sold/given to you. Altering the shirts by removing the sleeves or cutting them voids them as Class B shirts and should not be worn on Scouting events or activities. Regardless of the Class A or B shirts, if the shirts show excessive wear or stains, they should be replaced. Shirts that are too small should also be replaced. We do have a limited supply in the uniform exchange program, if you need a shirt (Red or class A) you can request one.
Over the last few months, there has been an increase in violations of these rules. We are requiring the scouts to adhere to these rules, parents please assist us and make sure that your scout(s) are aware of the details of the rules. Secondly, I am asking parents, please don’t let your son come to events in violation of these rules!!! Please make sure they are leaving the phones behind and dressing for the events correctly. As unit leaders, we would rather spend our time making sure we having great and safe programs, not to be the hard arm of the law on these rules, no one seems to like that job. A scout is “obedient” and that applies to the rules of the troop as well. I also ask that if you see a violation, please encourage the scout to follow the rules or please let me know if they don't listen to the encouragement. So with this communication, I ask that we do better at following these rules, and understand the policies so we don’t have to act on discipline policies. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a note. I also want to remind everyone that any guests (including parents and siblings who join us) are expected to adhere to the same rules of the troop including these outlined here.
Thanks again for your understanding of these rules, getting these back in line with the troop policies we be greatly appreciated.
Let have some FOOD ON A STICK this week! Look out State Fair, here we come!
Mr. F.
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