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December 12, 2016

This Monday

Don’t forget SCOUTS, that Christmas campout signup is this week. This is a great campout and you know you don’t want to miss it, so don’t forget to sign up. I know there are several of you who will not be at the meeting this week because it is also High School orientation night, feel free to email me or sign up on line to get the early bird discount. Remember Scouts, it’s YOUR job, not your parents to sign up.

Got Popcorn/Wreath Money

Do you still have popcorn/wreath money to turn in? If so, be sure to bring that with you this Monday as well. We want to wrap up the sales so we can distribute credit to your unit account and we don’t do that till we are done with the collection process. Let’s wrap this up, our next Troop meeting is not till next year.

Philmont Scouts, did you forget something?

For those who are on the payment schedule, don’t forget we expect those payments at the beginning of the month. Many of you have falling short by one payment or more. Everyone should have made their FOURTH installment payment last Monday (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec), be sure to check your payments to see if you are up to date. Wreath Sales will not be credited to your account till January, so don’t plan on using that till then.

Summer Camp

Just a reminder, Summer camp fees are not due till spring, but if you want to soften the blow to the family budget, you are free to pre-pay a portion of camp fees before the due date. This might be more helpful for any families who have more than one scout in the troop or who are on a tight budge. Plan ahead to avoid the one large payment in the spring.

Lyle Memories Book

I forgot to mention at the Court of Honor last week about the Lyle Memories book that chronicles the 50+ years of Camp Lyle. I think it is a great book, now I might be bias as I was the chairman of the committee that put this book together, setting that aside, I think it is a great way to remember Camp Lyle and it makes a great Christmas gift for that scout or parent, friend who ever attended camp Lyle. We have sold over 125 books, so can all those people be wrong?? There are some OUTSTANDING pictures in the book, and many of Troop 161 scouts. You can order the book online at and right now if you use the coupon code FWD15, you can save 15% off the book. If you would like to look at the book before you buy, ask to see my copy.

This is the last official BSB of the year, would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Have a great holiday season!


Mr. F.

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