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January 9th, 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2017! Hope everyone had a great holiday break and are ready to start with 2017 and make it another great scouting year.

This Monday…

Leadership Corps have a good meeting plan for this Monday, come and see what it is all about. We will also have visitors this Monday from Pack 161, be sure to welcome them to our meeting and show them the great things Boy Scouts offer.


This Monday we have a lot of payments due for things like Christmas campout, Boy’s Life and Order of the Arrow. Adult registration is also due this week, for those who want to be registered adults with the Troop. Please note, any adult who is registering with the Troop, you must have current Youth Protection training to be re-registered. Most of you who have expired training should have gotten and email directly from the BSA to retake the training, but if you are unsure, feel free to log into to get trained. Not trained, feel free to take the training too.

Philmont Payment

Those who are on the Philmont payment plan, don’t forget this is the first of the month again, time to make the next installment for the Philmont payment plan.

Slight Calendar Change

We were going to do a Road Trip Monday next Monday, January 16th, but we are going to move that to February to accommodate our tour leader. Our plans are to take a tour of the Modine Manufacturing, watch future BSB’s for more details on that trip. It will be a great trip that will hopefully take us through an aerodynamic wind tunnel at Modine and a chance to see the engineering aspects of building heat transfer products. Sometimes, we have businesses in our own back yard, we never knew what they do, here is a chance to see Modine. If your parents (you) work at a place for future tours, please let us know, always looking to learn more about the jobs around us.

Leadership Positions

Seems a little early to start talking about the February elections, but we want to be prepared for them, so if you are thinking you might be interested in a leadership position, don’t be afraid to fill out a form any time between now and February to be put on the ballot. Leadership Corps is also looking for a few new members, if you are interested in Leadership Corps, we ask you fill out THAT request this week, so that they can reviewed BEFORE the elections, we would like to select new members prior to elections so that patrols know who is running for patrol leadership positions. If you are a Star or Life scout, you may apply.


Mr. F.

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