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January 16th, 2017

Troop Meeting

Our Troop meeting will be at St. Rita on Monday, it was originally listed as a Road Trip Monday, but that is going to rescheduled to February, watch future BSB’s for the details.


The numbers are in, Troop 161 put in over 660 hours of service to the community for 2016! That is a lot of good turns for all of us. Thanks to all those who pitched in and helped. Also thanks to our three Eagle Scouts and Mrs. Hannemann who help organized these service events. That is a number we can be proud of as a Troop! Were you involved in these service hours? Did you fill out your service bead form?

Advancement requirements

This is just a reminder that in January of 2016 the Boy Scouts of America updated the requirements for rank advancement. The update allowed for people to use either the pre 2016 or the 2016 rules for advancement during 2016, with the ring in of 2017, EVERYONE is now required to use the new advancement rules. I would suggest you print this Book insert and slip it into your book so you can work with the new requirements. If you want to see what the differences are, you can take a look at this document (note, where is says CURRENT requirements, should now say PREVIOUS requirements). There are some good upgrades here to keep Boy Scouts up with the times. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, Mr. Sisak or Mrs. Andersen.

Merit Badge Counselor Training

Every adult involved with the Troop has an opportunity to help scouts by serving as a Merit Badge Counselor. There are over a hundred merit badges and there is bound to be one to fit into career/hobbies. (check out Our scouts need merit badge counselors, on January 30th during the Advancement night (7-8:30) we are going to offer Merit Badge Counselor Training and possibly help scouts with Merit Badges. Imagine sharing your hobby or profession with our scouts and others. If you are interested in doing this, please let Mrs. Andersen know so she can have materials for the class. You can contact her at

Medical Forms

Annually we need to have updated medical forms for every scout. Typically, we associate that with summer camp and will do so this year as well. This is a reminder to have your parents schedule your physical exam appointment so that we can get this all collected by May 1.

That is all for this week, see you Monday at the Troop meeting!


Mr. F.

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