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April 10, 2017

Lock in TONIGHT! (Friday)

Just a reminder, the Lock-in is (Friday) tonight. The lock-in starts at 8 PM at St. Rita School Gym. Come dressed for activity, which means Red troop t-shirt or for our new scouts, any scouting T-shirt if you have one. (Sorry, won't have any T-shirts to sell tonight.) Plan on bringing your favorite scout appropriate board or card games if you want. We have tons of gym type games planned too. Got a good family-friendly (PG or lower) movie bring it along too, we will be showing at least one movie, maybe more. The Troop will provide snacks and pizza for the evening, along with drinks, but if you want to bring snacks or soda, feel free bring them along, the caffeine ban has been lifted for this event, so you are welcome to bring caffeinated beverages if your parents approve. What not to bring is your cell or mp3 players, parents should plan on picking up your son at 8 AM and expect them to sleep the day away on Saturday. Anyone who needs asthma medication (inhalers), don’t forget to bring with, there will be some active activities.

Come and Meet Louie!

Louie is the new Caledonia police dog and he is coming to visit us on Monday night for our meeting. Come and check out Louie’s softer side then also his “professional” side too. You will quickly learn, you don’t want to meet Louie professionally, cause he is all about taking a bite out of crime!

Summer Camp – second payment

This Monday is the deadline for summer camp, so be sure to get all those payments in, if you paid $100 deposit already, you have a $220 payment due this Monday, that includes all our new Scouts. A statement should be going out shortly to let you know your account balance. Be sure to check out the fact sheet for all the details. It is available in the Troop Document section of the Troop web page or in the Court of Honor handout. For our new scouts, there is a tenderfoot trail program at camp, we will get you signed up for that program, but for our more experienced scouts, don’t forget to sign up for Merit badges. If you need help with that, we will be able to help at the advancement night next week.

Next Monday

Next Monday, April 17th, the day after Easter, will be advancement night at CBTL (435 Four Mile Rd). If you have advancement to work on, this is a great time to do so. For our new scouts, it is a great time to get some of the things you have done signed off in your book and work on new stuff, maybe even some of the totin chip requirements. For our older scouts who have not signed up for merit badges at camp, we will assist you with that as well.

High Cliff Campout

This Monday is the final payment for the High Cliff campout. If you think you signed up, be sure to check HERE to see if your name is on the list as it should be. This is a new camp location but it sounds like a lot of fun, you won’t want to miss out! For our new scouts, it is a great campout to refine your camping skills before summer camp, all are highly encouraged to attend, it is going to be a lot of fun.

The upcoming events

April 7- 8 PM Lock in

April 10- Troop meeting at St. Rita (camp fees due) 7-8:30

April 17- Advancement night (optional meeting, for those who want to do advancement)

April 24- PLC, this is a meeting for youth Troop leaders, it will be a 7 PM at CBTL. The rest of the Troop has off that night.

May 1- Troop meeting

As you can see, it will be several weeks without a regular Troop meeting, be sure to make your camp payments this week


Mr. F.

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