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September 11, 2017

Is Summer Over?

Well in meteorically and school sense, summer is over. Everyone is back to school and getting into the spirit of fall. We will wrap up our summer program with our Court of Honor this Monday where we will hand out all the awards that were earned this summer, not only from summer camp but also from the advancement nights and private study as well. So THIS MONDAY at 6:30 will meet at Cascia Hall. Everyone should come in their Class A tan shirt for an evening along with at least one if not two parents and the family. Next week, Sept 18th, we will return to 7 PM start.

Great programs this fall!

You can get your Court of Honor Handout HERE, which has our next three plus months of program calendar, you will want to download it and keep it handy, the password is T161. We have several good programs coming up and you will want to make sure to get signed up for the early fee so you can save money. Remember, for every early payment you make, it is like selling one less wreath to break even.

Is it starting to look a lot like Christmas?

This Monday we will also be kicking off our Fall Wreath sale. We will have some lists of customers from scouts who will not be selling this year, if you do not plan on selling, please let us know, we will pass some or all of your list on to other people. Popcorn is available, but we like to focus on wreaths in the fall and popcorn in the spring so we are not competing with ourselves.

Program Quality Check

We have had a great summer program filled with a bunch of great activities. We would like to hear what you thought of those programs to help our Patrol Leaders Council pick future great programs in the future. Let you patrol leader, Leadership Corps or my self-know what you thought of the schedule we had this summer, so we can evaluate what programs to repeat and which ones to put on the back burner for a while. Besides program, let us know if you are getting what you want out of the program, we want to make the program the best for everyone. If anyone has had problems with a program, safety or other scouts or adults, please let me know and we will do our best to correct the problems. We expect all to live by the Scout Oath and Law, and we want to ensure that is happening, so if it is not, please let me or one of the committee know. Have any great ideas for future meetings, weekend outings, campouts? Tell us about them so we can make them part of the ever-changing Troop 161 program. This is YOUR program and we want YOU to direct the path it takes. For our older scouts (First Class and above), it may be YOUR time to step up and lead the troop as well, so don’t forget to fill out a leadership application for the upcoming election next week.

I think that is all we have this week, see you Monday night!


Mr. F.

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