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November 13, 2017

Road Trip Monday

Back on the Road Trip Monday schedule, this road trip will be the Racine Wastewater Treatment Plant at 2101 Wisconsin Ave. on Monday, November 13. You should arrive by 6:45 so that we may start on time. It’s important that you dress for the season, as some of the activity and viewing will be outdoors. Tennis shoes or boots are preferred footwear, no sandals open-toed or high-heeled shoes. Learn about where everything goes once it goes down the drain. All scouts should wear Class A uniform

Thanks for selling

Thanks for all those who got out and sold wreaths, we had another good year. We will be picking up wreaths NEXT Saturday (November 18th) and will call you when you can come and pick them up.

Store Sales

We set up shop in front of Kortendicks and Kmart for show and sell wreaths on Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving (November 24 and 25). We ask that Scouts man those stores to add extra wreath sales to their overall sales. Even more important for those who did not sell door to door. We need everyone involved in the Troop to participate in sales, some of that money pays for things like your awards and such, so the whole troop should contribute to at least some sales. The Troop budget that is currently being approved covers about $125 in expenses for EACH scout in the troop for 2018. We need the profit off about $500 in sales to cover your portion of the Troop expense, so if you didn’t sell that much, please be sure to pick up at least one if not two spots in the store sales.

PLENTY OF SPOTS TO FILL, please sign up! Contact Mr. Latyshev to sign up for a spot or you can do so when you pick up wreaths next Saturday.


It was brought to my attention that we don’t communicate well as a Troop, which I found to be somewhat of an odd statement but then realized that maybe everyone is not getting the communications that are needed to keep up with the Troop activities. I thought it might be a good time to review all the methods of communications the troop offers to make sure everyone is taking advantage of them so they can benefit from all the great things that Troop 161 has to offer not only our scouts but sometimes families. You can find a complete document RIGHT HERE. Even if you have been in the Troop for while, I would highly encourage you to take a look at this page, and see if you are missing anything.

Thanks to our Youth Leaders

A big thank you to our 10 youth leaders who are spending this weekend doing a Leadership Training weekend to refine their leadership skills. We appreciate their dedication and commitment to make our Troop a GREAT troop.

That should do it for this week, see you Monday night at the Waste Water Treatment Plant if not sooner!


Mr. F.

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