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April 16, 2018

Leather work

This Monday we will be working on Leatherworking, everyone will get a chance to punch some leather. Make your own designs and such.

Camp Payments

Some of you missed the second payment ($220) for camp, don’t forget to bring it this week. Also don’t forget to pay for Starved rock and there is still time to sign up for lock in.

Med Forms

Been getting quite a few med forms, but still a lot out there, be sure to bring them in as soon as you get them done.

Merit Badge Counselor Training

Parents, we are going to run a Merit Badge Counselor Training on Monday April 30th (same time as the Troop Meeting) for any adult who would like to be a counselor for any merit badge or badges. There more than 135 merit badges with subject titles from Robotics to Geology, from Gardening to Sustainability. There are no shortages of options that adults might be interested in helping out on. Take a look at and see what ones you would like to help out on, take the training and be available for our Scouts to learn some new things. If you are interested, let Kathy Andersen or myself know.

That is all for this week.

Mr. F.

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