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June 4th, 2018

Court of Honor this week

The Court of honor is this Monday. Get your handout HERE, the password is T161. Court of Honor is our awards night for all our scouts to be recognized for their advancement work for the last three months of time. We have a lot of advancement this quarter so let's come and celebrate in all our Troop’s accomplishment. At least one parents should attend with their son. The meeting starts at 7 PM. Class A uniform is expected.

Summer Camp Meeting

Seeing we have a very active summer of events, with our first meetings being on the road we will be running our pre-camp meeting right after Court of Honor, scouts and parents of the scouts attending camp should plan on attending that meeting.

Adults going to camp

For all the adults going to camp, we will need not only a med form, we all need a BSA membership application. If you are not a registered adult of the troop, we will need you to fill out a membership application, they will be available at the meeting on Monday

Med Forms

Still waiting on several med forms, be sure to get this done. Mrs. Smithers is collecting all the forms right now and may be contacting you if you missing a form or missed anything on the form. Feel free to check with her if you have any questions. Don’t forget we need a copy of insurance cards for all scouts and adults. At this point, if you have not turned this in, you are LATE!

Summer Camp Advancement

For all those working on merit badges that have requirements that need to be done in advance, with School wrapping up, it’s a good time to do those requirements before camp, so when you get to camp you can finish up the badges

Kicking off Super Summer

With the conclusion of the Court of Honor, we will be kicking off a GREAT super summer program. During the summer we have an active summer program taking us to all kinds of places of entertainment and excitement. Everything from Fishing, to swimming Action Territory and so much more. Be sure to get signed up for all these events to get the most of the OUTING of SCOUTING. Sign up Early and save money! All details are in the handout available in the link above.

High Adventure

In all the info in the Court of Honor Handout, there is a fact sheet for High Adventure, this trip is for those who have completed the 7th grade or 13-year-old at the time of the trip. It is a fun and challenging event be sure to sign up if you meet the age requirements. We need an adult or two to help with this event, if you can can help, let us know.

Scout Accounts

We have been spending money on camp and other things, be sure to settle up if your account upside down. Fees should be settled up before camp.


Mr. F.

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