July 15, 2018
Camp This week!
This week is camp week, so be sure to look at either the Court of Honor handout OR last week’s BSB for all the details related to camp, they are all in there. Highlights, meet at St. Rita at 9 AM, with a packed lunch and all your gear. Don’t forget your Totin Chip card, leave you electronics at home and dress is Class A for the ride to camp. You can get a great gear list either online, in the document section or your scout handbook or Troop guidebook. Don’t forget to have spending money in an envelope (including money for food on the way home next week), and just enough prescription meds in their original containers.
Wreath Credits
Those who sold wreaths last fall may have a credit coming to you. Basically it was $5 for every $250 sales, here is the list of scouts and amounts. Envelopes are in the bank with the following amounts, you are fee to add to it.
Andersen, Austen $25
Dobrowski, Brett $ 5
Hayden, Ben $10
Koenig, Kyle $30
Krupp, Chris $10
Lentz, Austin $25
Lisowski, Nathaniel $ 5
Salchow, Noah $ 5
Schotz, Konrad $10
Svoren, Joey $15
Svoren, Matthew $15
Svoren, Steven $10
Townsend, James $35
Yonkovich, Dalton $20
July 23rd Troop Meeting
We will not have a BSB next week because we will be at camp, so I am going to give you info for July 23rd Super Summer program
Pool Party / Campfire
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: Dobrowski House
5430 River Hills
Racine, WI 53402
Off of 4 Mile Road and Old Farm Road,
between Hwy 31 and Hwy 38
Uniform: Swim suit, towel and a change of clothes
Cost: $7.00 by 7/9/2018
Early Payment: $7.00 by 6/11/2018
Enjoy swimming, a hot tub, and a camp fire. Pizza and drinks will be served.
Text messages
It is not still not to late to sign up to be on the Troop TEXT LIST. You can go to https://www.remind.com/join/t161bsb and get signed up. We will use this group for text messages home to let you know we are safe if we have foul weather pass through camp.
Lets have a great and safe week at camp!!!!
Mr. F.
Here is a list of adults going to camp this summer with your son, be sure to thank then for providing adult leadership for a great weeklong program
Andersen, Kathy
Deschler, Scott
Dobrowski, Brandon
Falendysz, Tim
Kozlik, Aaron
Liswoski, Jonathan
Miller, Travis
Molnar, Mike
O'Conner, Dean
Sisak, Jerry
Svoren, Tom