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July 18, 2018

Camp is keeping us all busy, the first year are buzzing a long on advancement learning all kinds of new things every day, last night they got a break to make some cobbler in a Dutch oven, they should get a chance to eat it today. The weather has been outstanding so far but we are preparing for some rain later in the week, but we should be fine. The older scouts are gone off at merit badges working on things during the day and all are playing Gaga ball and jumpinig on the big pillow and hanging out at the trading post in the evenings. Everyone seems to be having a great time with no homesick issues. Some of the adults have been learning too, but I have been sworn to secrecy not to tell, they don’t want their spouses to know they are learning to cook things like cinnamon rolls in a Dutch over the open fire cause the pressure would be way to great for a family activity. The comments from the new parents has been WOW, my son is really getting to show his independence and it is awesome. So for all the parents back at home, no fear, your son is doing fine and having a GREAT time and will be home soon with tons of great stories to tell as soon as they catch up on some sleep and rest up. Have a great week and see you when we get home!

Mr. F.

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