November 12, 2018
This week
Have another great meeting for Monday night, come and learn more about Small Boat Sailing, it might be cold and dreary out, but it’s fine to think about learning about the art of the sailing.
Leadership Training
This weekend our youth leaders are engaged in learning new skills and ideas to improve our Troop program as they attend the Troop Leadership Training weekend. They are always looking for ideas for better programs, got any good ideas for Troop meetings? If you have ideas or different methods of learning new skills, be sure to talk to your Patrol Leader and tell them what you would like to see, to get the most out of YOUR Troop program. Got event ideas or Road Trip Mondays, we are looking for those as well.
Wreath Sales
Got some late calls for wreaths, we can still take most orders, just let us know, don’t turn them away if we don’t have to. Don’t forget we have store sales coming up the weekend after Thanksgiving, we need people to man the stores, be sure to signup at the Troop meeting on Monday. Wreath Pick up is NOVEMBER 17th at my house, we will have full details in an early BSB later this week. We will be calling later in the morning on the 17th for a pickup as soon as we get them all sorted out.
Don’t forget that November 19th is the last day for to turn in advancement for the Court of Honor in December, if you have things to finish up, be sure to get that taken care of before then, you don’t want to miss that deadline.
Merit Badge Training
We will be running a Merit Badge Training THIS MONDAY during the Troop meeting. This is for all adults who have a hobby or a skill. So really, its for all those who want to help the scouts advance. If you attend this training you can then sign up to be a counselor for any of the over 100 merit badges available to our youth. You can find out more about Merit Badges at If you would like to attend, let Mrs. Kathy Andersen ( know, so she can have enough handouts. This is a great way to help not only our scouts, but you can sign up to help other scouts as well. Not sure you want to do that, take the class, it’s a great way to find out more about the program, if it doesn’t interest you, you don’t have to fill out the application.
That is it for this week,
Mr. F.