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December 10, 2018

Basketball Game

Just a reminder to all that the Carthage basketball game is this weekend (Saturday Dec 8). We will meet at St. Rita at 4:15 and will be stopping for pizza on the way down, the cost of the pizza is included in the collected fee. Scouts should plan on Class A uniforms for the evening.

Wreath and Popcorn Money

Let’s wrap that up this week, after this week we have several weeks off for the holidays and won't be meeting until next year so we really want to collect the remaining money this Monday. Also bring your wreath yellow sheets with names, we can keep them and hand them out next year when we do wreaths so we don’t lose customers, especially those who were given to you. Some of those customers date back 25 years and look forward to that call. Imagine a Christmas without a tree, for some, it's just not Christmas without the scout wreath on the house.

Get signed up for events.

Be sure to get signed up for the upcoming events for this winter, Court of Honor handout has all the details. Remember the password is T161, get that form filed out and turned in.

Troop Survey

Just a reminder to do the Troop Survey online at THIS LINK, we need your input!

That’s about all I have for this week,


Mr. F.

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