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December 17, 2018

Just a quick reminder that this Monday is PLC (Patrol Leader Council) meeting and there will NOT be a regular Troop meeting. All the dates were moved back a week because of the Christmas holiday. Our next Troop meeting will be January 7th, 2019.

My Christmas wish would be for more people to complete the Troop survey so we can have a better Troop!! Our PLC would love to have some more info for planning better meetings even by this Monday if you can. If you have not done so yet, please go to and complete the survey. The Troop needs input from both parents and scouts. Those who don’t fill out the survey will be reported to Santa, and you might get coal for Christmas, please take 5 or 10 minutes to fill it out.

Have a great and safe Christmas and New Years! Enjoy the time with your families. There should be plenty of opportunities in the next few weeks to do some scout like things for family, friends, and others.


Mr. F.

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