As everyone knows who has any current events playing on their media devices, its going to be COLD OUT this weekend. As a Troop we are well of aware of this info and monitor it on a regular basis. We will adjust the program accordingly.
Just so everyone knows, we will be in a large heated building with running water and facilities so it will not be much different than being in your heated home. While there are opportunities to be outside, if the temps are too low, activities will be limited or maybe confined to being indoor only. As with always, all scouts should dress for the weather, layers are always best even indoors. We will NOT allow anyone outside without proper footwear and winter attire. All scouts (and adults) should plan on having several changes of clothes to allow them to change into dry clothes after any indoor or outdoor activity. Scouts will be sleeping on the floor so be sure to bring your sleeping pads (or extra blanket) to be more comfortable sleeping, also keeps you a little warmer.
A good list for your gear can be found on the Troop website under the documents section.
Please remember the Troop electronic policy, no cell phones!
Remember Monday is PLC Monday, no regular Troop meeting.
Mr. F.