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March 4, 2019

This Week

This week is Court of Honor for the accomplishments of the last few months. Be sure to come and get those award and celebrate others who have as well. The Court of Honor handout is HERE, be sure to print it out, and get signed up for the next few months of activities. Remember, the Password is T161

Annual Dinner

The annual dinner is quickly approaching, on March 16th, you should have received an invite in the mail, if you didn’t or cant find it, you can get a digital copy HERE. Please RSVP to 262-864-1050 via voice or text, or you can email We need to get a head count so we can get food ordered, please do so right away, the RVSP has been VERY slow and we need to keep the planning moving, so be sure to RSVP right away.

Do you Amazon?

If you shop on Amazon, did you know that you can help the Troop out with your shopping?? The Troop 161 Family Account, a non-profit organization, which supports the Troop with many things including camperships is set up as an Amazon SMILE program. All you have to do is register with Amazon at this link. There is no additional costs to you but Amazon makes a donation to our organization on each purchase. Be sure to log into the link after and we will get a little change with each of your purchases and it is a win for the Troop 161 Family Account which means they have more money to support our Scout’s activity like the $200 per scouts they contributed to the Scouts going to Philmont or the $500 they contributed to the Christmas campout to keep the fees down. Please sign up for the Troop 161 Family Account on the Amazon SMILE program.

Eagle Scout candidate looking for help

Joey Svoren is looking for help on his Eagle Scout Project, you can sign up to help on THIS PAGE. Give him a hand and build some cool stuff!

Med Forms

Looking for Med Forms, if you have not made an appointment yet, be sure to do so. Med Forms are due in April so be sure to get your appointment. Remember, we need Med Forms regardless or not if you are going to camp, we use them for year round program.

Thanks Mr. F.

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