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April 8, 2019

Hitting the Mark!

This Monday will be having a great intro Archery for our Troop meeting. Whether you never shot or you are thinking about or have taken the Merit Badge you should enjoy this week’s meeting. We will not be shooting but you will learn a lot about archery.

Payments due this week

Don’t forget this week we have some payments due. Glacier Drumlin ($19) was due last week, but we moved it to this week cause we were at the Weather spotters event last week. This week is the final payment for Summer Camp ($230) is also due. This next weekend (April 12th-13th) is the lock in ($15), and it the last night to sign up for that if you have not done so. Not sure if you have signed up for Glacier Drumlin or Lock in, be sure to check the online rosters. The summer camp list is for the deposit. If you did not paid the deposit, the total cost for camp is $370.

Lock In next weekend (April 12-13)

We will be meeting at St. Rita's School Gym at 8 PM on April 12 for our Lock-In. We will start out with some sports, then a little tournament action, maybe a little supervised dodge ball action or how about some Volleyball? The Gym will be ours through the night, so talk to your Patrol leader so your ideas get put into action. Not into all that sports stuff for the whole night? How about some all night board games? For this event, we are lifting the Caffeine ban (with your parents’ permission) for the evening, cause in order to stay awake; you might just need a little Mountain Dew. Come one, come all and be locked in for the evening for fun and fellowship with your friends. You shouldn’t have any excuses… You don’t work at 3 AM? You don’t have sports at 3AM? This event was planned for you, when all these distractions are gone. So what do you get for your money? We will have snacks, drinks and then a breakfast for all, served by the adults. You will need to refuel after a long night of activity if you don’t fall asleep first. Parents can pick up Scouts at 8 AM. Looking for a few parents who want to help supervise part or all of the event. Great chance to help if you don’t like camping!

Upcoming Schedule

April 15 – Troop Meeting

April 22 – Advancement Night -- All welcome, but anyone under First Class should plan on attending, we have people to work with you on some advancement. Those First Class and over, feel to arrange to have your merit badge counselor come and work on a merit badge with you. PLEASE REMEMBER, this will be at CBTL and will start at 7PM,

April 29th – PLC meeting


Mr. F.

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