May 6th, 2019
Bike Inspection this Wednesday-
Just a reminder that we will have a bike inspection for those going on the Bike trip this weekend. We will be at CBTL on Wednesday, May 1st from 7 to 8 PM. We will take a look at your bike and make sure it is ready to go for the weekend. That will give you time to get any concerns fixed before the trip if needed. Don’t forget your helmet too. If you want to leave your bike on Wednesday night, we can get it loaded in the trailer for our trip on Friday. The inspection will save us time on Saturday adjusting your bike, and leaving it will save time packing it on Friday night.
A Scouter gone home….
It is with sadness that I let you know that Troop Committee member Ron Brinkmann, Kathy Andersen’s dad passed away on Sunday evening surrounded by his family. Ron was a long time scouter serving in many roles, most recently a member or Troop 161 Committee. Ron has helped on many things in Scouting in his 40+ year Scouting tenure and recently served on many Eagle project reviews and Eagle Board of Reviews in Troop 161. Please keep Kathy and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Watch the local paper for details.
Going to the dogs
This Monday’s Troop meeting will be a visit from the Caledonia Police Dept and their dog. You won't want to miss it, it is fascinating all the things that go into training a dog.
Med Forms
If you have not turned in your med form yet, you are late. Please be sure to get it turned in, we need to collect them all so we are ready for camp and the year-round program.
Did you miss the final camp payment?
Several people missed the final camp payment of $220 that was due. Please be sure to settle up to make your account is up to date.
That should do it this week. Remember 5:15 Friday is the meeting time for the campout this weekend, you need to be in Class A uniform and should eat before you leave, we don’t stop on the way to the campout.
Mr. F.