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October 21, 2019

Selling things

Don forget to keep selling wreaths, if you got lists from the Troop, those are people who depend on your call to keep their Christmas tradition alive, be sure to call them. What would Christmas be like without Santa or gifts? For some, wreaths got right up there with those two, and you are their link for those products, don’t forget to call. Best of all, if you get enough sales, you can go to summer camp for free from the earnings of camp credit! Remember wreath deadline is coming up at the next Troop meeting (November 4th). Anyone selling popcorn? Those orders are due THIS week. Be sure to turn them in so we can get those items ordered for you.

Haunted Hayride

Next weekend is the haunted hayride, we are using the theme of haunted lumberjack, everyone should plan on taking part in that activity so dream up a cool costume that fits that and bring it to the campout next weekend. We will be haunting on Friday and Saturday night, so be sure to bring enough makeup and stuff for both nights. We will talk more about it at the meeting on Monday.

Cell phone reminder

Some people seem to think that we removed the cell phone policy entirely, this is just a reminder we lighted them up some, but there is still no reason scouts should have a cell phone on an activity or weekend event.

Merit Badge confusion

I just want to remind EVERYONE that if you are going to do a merit badge, you MUST HAVE a blue card signed BEFORE you start or attend any merit badge clinic, regardless where it is held. Some people have not been doing this and we are not going to accept the completion of the badge unless it had prior approval with the Troop. There are several reasons for this, so please be sure to get a BLUE CARD BEFORE you attend a clinic or merit badge work with a counselor. We would hate for you to do the work and then not get credit for it. If you need a blue card, be sure to ask Mrs. Andersen for the card as soon as you sign up and not wait till last minute to get the card. It is the SCOUTS responsibility to ask for the cards.

That should do it for this week, get out and sell wreaths and cover your costs of scouting by getting more credit in your Scout Account for upcoming events.


Mr. F.

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