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March 2, 2020


Welcome to Troop 161 to all our new Scouts. Hope you are ready for the fun and adventures of Troop 161. Welcome to our weekly newsletter that will come to your email box/text message weekly when we have Troop meetings. You are welcome to add any more emails or text numbers you want, just let Mr. F know and he will add them to the list.


This week is our Court of Honor (awards ceremony) for all in the Troop. We will meet at 7 PM at Cascia Hall. We have our Court of Honor Handout available HERE. When you click on the link you will be asked for a password, that password is T161. Print the handout to have all your info at your fingertips. Be sure to fill out the signup sheets and get signed up for all the events you want to attend. We encourage 100% if possible.

Med Forms

Reminder to all, that the Troop requires an annual med form be filled out. The form is located in our Troop documents library, but you can also get it HERE. Be sure to make your doctor appointment as it is required to attend camp.


For all our older scouts in the Troop, who have First Class or above, we need you to run for elected positions in the Troop to lead our Troop through the next 6 months. It is a great opportunity to serve your Troop and lead the direction of the Troop. Please run for the Elections by filling out the election form located at the Troop Documents section of the web page. Elections will be held Monday, March 9th along with Order of the Arrow elections.

Annual Dinner

The Troop will be having its annual dinner on March 21st. You should have received an invitation in the mail, if you have not, please see Mr. F. RSVP deadline was this weekend, so if you have not RSVP’ed yet, please do so ASAP. You can send an email to with name and number attending. If you are not going to be able to attend, please send an email to the address and let us know. It is highly encouraged that everyone attend with their family as we honor the Troop four newest Eagle Scouts, Brett Dobrowski, Kyle Koenig, AJ Smithers and Joseph Svoren. Remember this year we will be catering the full meal, so families do not have to bring any food to the dinner. Just come and enjoy the evening as we recognize not only our Eagle Scouts but the Troop and its accomplishments.


Mr. F.

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