March 23rd, 2020

How things have changed in such a short time. Ten days ago we were at our committee meeting we were planning the details of an Annual Dinner and our next few months of things coming up, and a brief discussion came up about how we should have alternate plans if the virus gets moving… My first reaction was more about the dinner than the weekly operations but I thought it was more talk than an action we needed to take, two days later, they are both on the discussion table. As all of you should know by now, the dinner has been cancelled along with any face to face gatherings till we know more. So what do we do about Scouts during this trying time? We are going to call a ZOOM video conference with PLC on Monday and see what they would like to do. We are researching ideas that are online and don’t require face to face interactions and see if we want to do them as Troop program. Stay tuned, as we look if we can plan some cool online things so you still have the entertainment of scouting without the risk of being in the same room and getting sick. If anyone has ideas, please don’t be afraid to share them with us, I will take anything you want to the PLC meeting.
What can you do?
So what can you do while we are all staying home? The Council office and National are working on things all of us can do related to Scouting to keep the scouting spirit alive and well even during the wake of this virus bug is in the news. We have created a page on our Troop website called Scouting at Home with some information and will add things as they are presented. You can start with reading Merit Badge books and getting familiar with Merit Badges. Find one you like, just drop Mrs. Andersen or me an email or text and we will get you a blue card and a list of a couple of Merit Badge Counselors for that badge. You can give the counselor a call, go over the requirements (over the phone or email) and start working on the badge. There are some great ones to work on, imagine starting a fitness plan, maybe helping with Family Life Merit badge or a ton of others ones that might have you working on things you are already doing while at home. Also don’t forget, be sure to get a blue card AND a Counselor lined up before you start requirements to make sure you meet the expectations of what the counselor will be looking for to complete the badge. The BSA is also open at this time to work with Counselors over things like zoom, skype or other online networking programs, but always remember you and at least one of your parents need to be present and you have to have their permissions when doing work online. Check out the guidelines for Social media and scouting HERE
For our NEW scouts
There is plenty of things you can be working on, with the help of your parents, take a look at the requirements for the first few rank advancements and see what you can read up on and learn, we can test you in the future. Learns some of the knots, maybe how to pack your gear for a campout and all kind of things. Any new scouts who want their new Scout handbooks, I have them, we can make arrangements for you can pick them up from me if you want to start reading them. There is a lot of cool information in them.
Does Service have to stop?
Hopefully all of you are at least getting out of the house every once in a while and maybe taking a walk or doing something. Service does not have to stop because of the virus. Consider taking a garbage bag on your next walk and pick up trash around your neighborhood, maybe even just your yard, if everyone does a little, it can add up to big things. Be sure if you do this, you take the proper precautions, watch traffic and stay safe. Other things, you can write notes to people in nursing homes if they will accept them, you can send thank you notes to those service workers who are still working through this all. Dream something up and see what you can do to help others. A Scout is helpful!
A couple of people have asked about the current popcorn sale. While it has not been suspended, we DO NOT want you doing any real face to face sales at this time. The popcorn sale will be extended, but we do not know how long, but there will be time to sell in the future when this virus has cooled off so keep you info handy for now. So if you sold popcorn, it will get delivered to you, but probably later than before. The deadline for sales is extended, a date has not yet been determined. Best I can say here, stay tuned!
I think that is it, but stay tuned for upcoming changes and other communications as we navigate through a different time in Scouting. It won’t be long before we back at it like in the past, but for now, stay tuned and stay safe and healthy. I heard a story about washing your hands as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice, but I vote for do it as long as it takes to recite the Scout Oath and Law, and also the Outdoor Code. You do that and your hands will be plenty clean! Here is a picture (at he top) you can print and put near your handwashing area to do each time you wash your hands.
Stay Healthy!
Mr. F.