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April 6th, 2020

Greeting, as we enter another week of Safe at Home here in Wisconsin and around the world, let’s talk about what is in store for Scouting this week. We will have another online meeting, last week’s meeting was well attended and those who attended said, let’s keep doing it. So we are going to hold another meeting. This week, in light of all the online things we are doing both in Scouting and outside of Scouting, we are going to work on the CyperChip requirements for rank advancement. No better way to make sure we all stay safe online as we are doing much more of it lately. Tune in at 7 PM at the following address.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 216 722 273

Some may have heard of ZOOM in the news and some safety issues, I will address those in the meeting on Monday, we are taking the needed safety measures but just a reminder, please don’t post and share this info for the meeting, the meeting invites are limited to our Troop unless you request to share with me prior to sharing it with anyone outside the Troop.

The Council is also putting together some things as part of their Scouting at Home program. We have two events coming up this week. The first is Jamboree on the Internet that runs through Sunday night. The second one is a virtual campfire on Wednesday night at 7PM. Free free to register for these events and attend them. Both are FREE but the later requires preregistration.

The way we are going to handle all these council events is I will add them to the Troop calendar online, so that if things come up between BSB’s I can add them to the calendar and you can see them right away. The Troop runs a GOOGLE calendar on the Troop web page, you can see all the sign-up info there, click on the event and look for details and the registration info will be there if it is provided. There a few merit badge clinics coming up, I know there was a Geology one, but I know that is already filled up but will be offering it again after the first on. If you are a MB Counselor, and would be willing to work on your MB on line, be sure to let Mrs. A know, they are looking for more Merit Badges to offer.

Google calendar hint, if have a Google account and if you use it for your calendar, it is easy to subscribe to the Troop calendar by clicking on the +Google Calendar link in the bottom left corner of the Google calendar and it should add it to your calendar. If you don’t want the whole calendar, feel free to click on the actual event and click on “add it to your calendar”. Once you add the calendar to your calendar, it should add all events current and if we add to the calendar, it will automatically update the calendar on your Google calendar. Not sure if you have Google calendar, if you have an Android phone there is a good chance you have a Google account and calendar, you can download the app for your PC/Mac and IOS devices, so it is pretty universal. If nothing else, put the link above in your favorites to refer back to it and see what changes are made along the way. This is the fastest way to be up to date with upcoming events, don’t forget to look in the description for details on the event.

We will be holding a committee meeting this week if you would like to stop in, here is the ZOOM info. We would be happy to hear how we are doing with online scouting during the Safer at Home time. Here is the info on that meeting.

Committee Meeting Meeting ID: 228 166 069

Next week is Easter Sunday, we will not have a regular scheduled meeting but we will probably run advancement night for those who want to work on badge work. We should be able to break you out to rooms to work on badges together. More info will follow next week.

That is all for this week, remember, make sure you have your parents permission before joining any online conferences. Parents are welcome to join as well and should monitor your son’s activity online..

Please stay home healthy and safe, we got to get this bug out of here before summer!


Mr. F.

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