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April 13, 2020

This Monday will be advancement night for those who would like to work on things, we are going to try a feature of Zoom for break-out rooms which will put people who want to work on similar things in the same semi-private room. We have not tried this before, but we will I've it a try to see if we can keep everyone advancing during this time. If you don't want to work on anything, we will need people to help with teaching, so feel free to join the meeting and maybe you can even be an instructor for those still working on their way to first class. Do you have a merit badge you want to work on, feel free to invite your counselor to attend and we will give you a room to work in. Just like in the real world, we want to make sure is no rooms with only one adult, so if you want to work on a merit badge, make sure your parents are available to sit in as well. Here are meeting details Tim Falendysz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Advancement Night Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 216 722 273 Meeting starts at 7 PM

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