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May 2, 2020

Early BSB because we have some important things to discuss so I going to combine it with this week’s BSB so that to limit emails.

Check your email for ZOOM MEETING info for this Monday


First of all, hope everyone enjoyed the Hiking meeting last Monday, we would like to encourage everyone to step out of the house and go take a walk or hike. With the State Parks opening back up, maybe it’s a good time to go for a ride and enjoy the great outdoors, just cause we can't do it all together, does not mean we can't do it with our family and the people we are sheltering with.

So to encourage people to go out and enjoy the great outdoors, we are going to have a little challenge, we have a little scavenger hunt while you are out. While out, take pictures of the things you see on your hike. Here is a list of things you can look for and snap a picture or selfie/family picture with these items in it.

Hearts in the Windows

Animal prints

Who you went hiking with

Water Bottle

Picture of a bug

Picture of a sign (park, street or ??)

Wildflowers/house flowers


Street Sign/Trail sign

Proof an animal was there besides a footprint


Sidewalk Chalk design (can't find one, make one?)

A cool rock


Bonus Points: Picture having an ice cream of favorite post-activity snack and or drink

Enjoy and have fun! Stay safe but get out and enjoy some fresh air. Once you have them, you can post them HERE and we will talk about them either this Monday or next, be sure to make a folder with your name on it so we know who’s is who’s.

National Camp In This WEEKEND

Whether in your backyard or in your living room, join families across the country live on Facebook for a day of fun virtual adventures. From camp-style cooking and friendly competitions to special guests and campfire singalongs, this virtual event will bring the best parts of Scouting to life! This National Camp-In is free and open to all families – including families whose children are not currently in Scouting. Check it out at the following link.

Summer Camp

As everyone knows, we are closely monitoring the status of what will happen with Summer Camp this summer. This is a national discussion not only with our Camp, Camp Freeland Leslie but with all Boy Scout camps around the Nation. The whole lockdown and sheltering has been going for almost six weeks and every day things change, but we are starting to see some things opening up. The nation and the state are taking guided approaches to reopen things back up. Boy Scouts is following the lead of the nation and are constantly reviewing recommendations. If camp is to open they plan on doing no less than the following, but may add more as we have a better grasp on things as we get closer to the camp dates.

Additional Safety Measures Being Taken This Summer

Campers will be given a personal bottle of hand sanitizer at the start of their session. Communal bottles will be available in all program/public areas around camp. Camps that provide food will be utilizing biodegradable disposable plates to minimize any potential that dishes are not properly sanitized. We would like to encourage Scouts BSA units attending Camp Freeland Leslie to do the same. Disposable kitchen gloves will be issued to troops attending Camp Freeland Leslie in their patrol boxes. Our camp staff will take the temperature of campers when they arrive at camp.

You can read the entire letter provided Camp Freeland Leslie outlining their process to address safety in the link provided. Above and beyond this, the Troop will be monitoring this and will be consulting others on best practices and may add more precautions as needed to keep everyone safe. We also reserve the right cancel at any point if we feel that we can not provide a safe environment for the youth and leaders. Safety is a top priority and if you have any concerns, please address those with the leadership of the Troop, we may be able to provide you with more detail than in this quick communications.

As far as payments, deposits were due back in February and now the final fee is due to camp by the end of April. Seeing we have not met in over a month and there is no real chance to make a payment, the Troop committee met virtually on Monday and discussed the Troop will cover the fees for those who signed up in February so they do not lose the early fee. New Scouts will get early fee till June. (more info to follow for you)

On May 4th we are supposed to have an update on the status of camp based on the rules of the State of IL (where the council is) and WI (where the camp is). If on May 4th they tell us camp will be open, the Troop committee will discuss any concerns and make a decision at the Troop committee meeting on May 13 to determine if we need to address any additional safety precautions or if we would decline to attend based on the current status of what is going on. If the Troop decision on May 13 is to move forward with camp, we will give everyone till June 1st to either pay for camp or withdraw. We will refund in accordance with what camp refund rules are. Typically $50 of the deposit is not refundable, but we will have to see how that policy will be used in this situation. If camp tells us on May 4th, camp will NOT be open this summer, we have been told we will receive full refunds.

The troop is doing our best to provide a quality program while we go through this different time. We know that everyone wants to get out and be normal again, but also understand others want to stay in place till we are sure this virus is behind us. We are doing our best to accommodate both sides of this discussion and are watching things closely. The Council, the Camp, Science, and the Government are all working to provide an environment that will be safe for all and we will use those recommendations in determining our next steps as a Troop, but we want to remind each family that the decision ultimately is yours to make and we will respect that decision. Bottom line, stay tuned for more information on this, as it is an ever-changing topic.

Merit Badges signup, we will hand out that info mid-May when we have a better idea of the status of things. If anyone wants their info sooner, let me know.

On another similar but different note, if your family decision is based on the fact that your family budget can not do camp because of financial hardship during this crisis, I would like to remind you the Troop does offer campership to assist with camp fees. If anyone needs more info, please let me know. These requests are kept confidential.

I think that sums everything up for now. If you have questions or concerns, please let me know. Remember the camp decision is a FAMILY decision, so scouts discuss it with your parents and parents please discuss it with your scout. Once we hear more, we will let you know so you can plan accordingly.

Thanks for your understanding through all this, but hopefully everyone has a better understanding of what has been going on behind the scenes.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy !


Mr. F.

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