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May 18, 2020

This Week..

Well, it’s been almost a full quarter of virtual troop meetings, this week we will be doing an Iron Chef cooking demos. What that means is that scouts can video their cooking skills and share with he rest of us at the troop meeting, or show it during the meeting. You can cook your favorite family meal, a desert or special recipe that is either easy or hard, your call. Bring it to the meeting! Even if you don’t have a recipe, come and see what people are cooking and maybe it will inspire you to make something at home after the meeting. SEE YOUR EMAIL for Meeting log in info. It is the same as last weeks meeting.


We are still waiting to hear any news on camp, things are still waiting to see what the local governments are doing regarding Safe at Home Orders, please be patient as we wait for the latest news. If you have not done the camp survey, please do so HERE. We want to hear your feedback.

No Scouts next Week

Remember next week is Memorial Day, so we will not be meeting as a Troop

Court of Honor

June 1st is our scheduled Court of Honor, but we are still in a no in person meetings, we will do something virtual and we ask the family be part of June 1st meeting.

Have a great week, stay healthy.

Mr. F.

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