April 3, 2023
Feeling Hangry?
Then come to Monday’s meeting, we are doing some food work this week, who doesn’t like to eat food?? Can you say Pie Alamode?
Summer Camp fee
There are a few who have not paid for camp fees, be sure to get that turned in, so we can get you on the list to get signed up for Merit Badges to work on this summer. Watch for the Merit Badge signup info coming out soon.
Advancement Night
No Troop Meeting NEXT Monday (April 10), the day after Easter, we will be available at CBTL from 7-8:30 for anyone who wants to work on advancement.
Lock In
One of the more popular events of the year is LOCK IN, be sure to get signed up, you don’t want to miss it.
That’s all for this week, see you Monday night
Mr. F.