August 8th, 2022
This week it's Wisconsin State Fair
Time: 5:45 – 10:00 PM Location: St. Rita’s Uniform: Class B- Red Shirt Cost: $17.00
Program: Join us at the fair! It’s all there! Anything from animals to Sham Wow’s to rides to more things on a stick that anyone could eat! Bring enough money to match your appetite for food and fun.
Transportation: 5:45pm from St. Rita’s parking lot. The Scouts will be back at St. Rita at 10:00 PM. Please remember to pick up your son. For those who did not sign up in advance, welcome to attend if we have enough transportation to take you.
Don’t forget, that August 15th has been changed to a bike trip, in place of the shotgun shooting.
That’s all for this week, have a great weekend, see you Monday.
Mr. F.