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December 13, 2021


This Saturday we will be going to Pettit Skating, we only had a few people sign up. We have paid for those people already, but we suspe

ct others wanted to go and did not turn in the signup on Monday. We will have room to add more, but you will be charged the full price for the tickets as we can not get the discount tickets at the gate.

Event Signups

Don’t forget to get your event signups in so you don’t miss out on future events and get the cheapest deal.


A note from our Wreath GURU

Thank you to everyone for working so hard at selling your wreaths! You have helped to spread some Christmas cheer! Now that wreath sales are coming to a close for this year, we would like to have everyone turn in a copy of their customer list next week. This will help you stay organized for next year. It will also help us to make sure we don't forget any of our important customers. Thanks! --Susan Yonkovich

I want to stress that we have a growing list of Customers loyal customers each year plus we DON’T want to lose previous customers either. I know that we missed about $750 in sales this year as they called me and we were able to add them, Let’s not give up money by missing those sales next year, please turn in your sheets.

CPR Training

CPR Training is a great skill to have. Someday you may need to use it on a loved one or someone else. As Leaders of the Troop, we are required to stay up to date on the trainin

g and we are working with a member of the Caledonia Fire department to assist us in getting certified. The new way to handle this is they have the classroom portion ONLINE at line where you can purchase the class and complete the classroom portion. After that is complete, we will schedule a practical “hands-on” class where we can get officially certified (including a CPR card for an added fee). We would like to set a deadline date of January 12th (our next Committee meeting) to gather the names of those who have completed the online course so we can schedule the “hands-on” portion at that point. EACH person must do the online class on their own because you will get to print out the completion certificate at the end of the online course, we ask you to turn in a copy of that to serve as the registration so we can get a count of the “Hands-on” class to follow. This class is open to any registered Scouters, parents, and Scouts, but for scouts, to run the “hands-on“ portion, we are going to say First Class Scout or above, because doing CPR, may not be effective with smaller scouts. For those needing CPR training time for Merit Badges, this is a great opportunity to get this done now, so when you want to work on something like Lifesaving Merit Badge at camp, you will be done with the CPR. Also, this ONLINE part of the class is part of the American Heart Assoc and is available to all, might be a great Christmas Gift to a family member, they might save you someday. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Kathy Andersen.

High Adventure

Scouting has several high adventure bases, such as Philmont Scout Ranch, Sea Base in Florida, and Northern Tier Canoe Base. In the past, the Troop organized a group within our Troop to attend these bases, mostly Philmont. We know that we do not have enough scouts who would be eligible to attend to meet the minimum number of attendees, but the Council and other troops have groups attending, so if we have anyone interested, please let me know, and we will see what we can do to get you connected to a group who will be attending.

Don't forget to check out the Troop Calendar HERE

That is about it for this week,


Mr. F


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