March 1, 2021
Greeting to all, glad to see some snow melting away and thinking spring and summer??
No Court of Honor on Monday
First, this Monday should be a Court of Honor night, but with the virtual meetings and only a couple of events, sad to say, we have NO advancement to hand out this quarter. While we think some was done, it just has not been turned in, so we have nothing to present so no need to have an actual Court of Honor, so we are changing THIS Monday to a virtual advancement night. What does that mean, it means anyone that wants to work on advancement, we will work on things we can do virtually, For those under First Class, there is a LOT of requirements that say discuss and some that say show, we can do some of those requirements this Monday. We can have breakout rooms and Zoom that will allow for smaller groups to work on things. Because we still need to follow youth protection rules, any virtual breakout room that has adults in them will need to have a second adult available, so scouts, if your parents can be available in earshot that would be great, otherwise we will be looking for adults who might be able to sit in too, depending on how many groups we have. Older scouts can work with scouts in these break-out rooms as well. For those who need to work on Merit Badges, invite your counselor to the meeting and we can provide you with a break room as well, same rule applies, if a parent can be in earshot, that would be great. Let’s get some advancement done, let’s not fall behind just because of Covid.
There are some misc awards to hand out, like attendance and participation badges, but PLC has decided we would like to hold off till the end of March on those and see if we can get some advancement too. Tentatively we would like to plan on March 29th to be Troop IN PERSON gathering. Right now we are thinking of an outdoor campfire, maybe with some Dutch oven cooking and to hand out some of these other misc awards. We think that by waiting till the end of March, we might get some better weather or at least a little less snow. Details on this event are still being worked out.
Summer Camp
We are still keeping up to date on what is going on with camps regarding Covid rules and they are quickly changing because numbers are improving. We are hoping to have some info out to everyone in the next few weeks about the whole situation and I suspect we will do a poll like we did last year to determine what we want to do for the summer of 2021. There is some variance between camps, so we are also looking at other camps. Please keep your eyes open, most camps will require payment by the end of March, so we will decide and then may need you to act quickly to sign up. If you have some input to offer on this topic, let us know, we will be discussing things at our next committee meeting.
Med Forms
Start thinking about getting med forms filled out, if we are going to camp this summer EVERYONE will need a new med form. We did not do them last year so everyone is due for new ones, so if you are at the doctor's office, be sure to get the form filled out, if not, be sure to get those doctor appointments made and get it done.
Camp Cards
The council offers a discount card for Scouts to sell. The cards cost $5, and the profit is $2.50 per card. If anyone is interested in selling these cards to raise funds, please let me know.
That should do it for this week. Hope everything is going well with all, and everyone is staying well.
Mr. F.