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March 15, 2021

Greetings all,

Well, rumor is we have a hot meeting planned for Monday, come to the virtual meeting and see what we are doing!

PARENTS, you are invited to the Troop meeting at 8 PM, WE WOULD LIKE ALL FAMILIES TO BE REPRESENTED WITH AT LEAST ONE PARENT and the scout as we would like to discuss some options for re-entry towards IN PERSON scouting as numbers are improving which includes maybe summer camp. We need to make some decisions soon and want input from both Scouts and Parents. Hope to see all at 8 PM on Monday!!!! Anyone who wants to express concerns prior to the meeting, feel free to send me a private note ahead of time.

Just a heads up, if we decide to go to camp, the lead time to pay fees will be short, so be prepared to submit those fees. Because last year’s camp fees were mostly refunded to accounts and many of you have TWO wreath sales since the last trip to camp, your balance may cover the full fee. You should have gotten a statement of your credit balance, if you did not, please let me or Mrs. Hardesty know.

Med Forms- We did not do Med Forms last year, so EVERYONE needs a new med form, so if you are going to the doctor be sure to get one filled out. Not seen a doctor in a while, think about making an appointment. Med forms are required for ALL scout activities, not just summer camp, so everyone should have one on file. We have not pushed the issue because we have not been meeting in person.

On March 29th, we will be having a campfire program that will start at 6 PM. I will have location details available in the next BSB. We have a few scouts crossing over to ScoutsBSA, so we will be having a socially distance program for that at our campfire. There might even be some treats available.

That should do it for this week, hope to see ALL SCOUTS at the full meeting, and PARENTS at 8 PM.


Mr. F.




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