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May 3, 2021

Be Prepared

Well, this Monday we will be preparing for the upcoming campout. Come to the meeting and learn/teach how to be prepared for all the things that a May campout can present.

Med Forms

Be sure to get your med form completed by June 7th. You can find the blank form HERE. All medicals I have from previous years are expired, seeing we did not update forms last year. For new scouts going on the campout this weekend, if you have medical concerns, I suggest you fill out the first part of the form with the health basics, then get doc exam by June 7th. Any scouts who have had medical changes since the form from two years ago might want to do the same. Just a reminder, all meds for youth must be turned in when we depart from St. Rita, this includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs.


Next weekend’s campout, we will meet at St. Rita on Friday at 5:15. All scouts should be in their Class A (tan shirt) uniform. There are no plans to stop to eat on the way up, so please eat before you arrive. On occasion, if the driver has not eaten before s/he arrives at St. Rita he does stop on the way to the campout, but do NOT plan on that option. Sometimes drivers will stop for lunch on the way home, so bringing some cash is not a bad idea. Remember, if for some reason your plans change, please notify ME directly so we are not waiting in the parking lot. As with all events, we ask that all scouts do a health reassessment before departure. No fever, chills, or other Covid symptoms. Masks will be required for the campout. Our goal is to be home early afternoon for scouts to celebrate Mother’s day with all the mothers in their life.

That should do it for this week, see you Monday!


Mr. F.


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