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October 17

Product sales are due this Monday

This Monday we are expecting all product orders, both wreath, and popcorn. Be sure to turn those in. Please bring your customer sheets with you Monday, we will have a copy machine available to make a copy of your sheets so we can get a set. Since our ongoing customer lists had a hiccup this year (and we have had scouts misplace their customer sheets), we want to make sure we have a copy. We also want to make sure we got all previous sales, so be sure to call all those names given to you, keep trying, don’t wait till the last minute to make those calls. Some have been customers for 20 years and depend on your call to get their orders placed. Money is NOT due Monday night but if you want to turn any in, you are welcome to do so. Just a reminder, your sales earn you credit for Scouting expenses, with the upcoming events and the additional fees with registration, we encourage you to get out and sell to offset your scouting expenses. Want more names, after Monday we may have some names that need to be followed up on, let us know if you want more names, but you need to act on them right away so we can get the order placed on time.

Back to the drawing board

Well, last week we had a good start to building Rube Goldberg machines, hope you all have had your thinking caps on building on your ideas to improve your project for this week as we have some time to add to your current project and show us what you can do with a simple machine. Feel free to bring whatever you need to spice it up, you are not limited to what you were provided. (Safety first, no rocket engines, fire, or any other things that might be deemed dangerous)

Haunted Halloween

Don’t forget we have haunted Halloween coming up, this is our last Troop meeting before the event so bring anything you want to be used in our setup to be spooky to the meeting this Monday so we can see what we got and what we need to make our display the best of the camp. If any families are willing to let us use any of their decorations for the weekend, let us know that as well. We have an obligation to have a good display so that the guests visiting the Haunted Halloween have a good time.


Seeing several communities will be having trick or treat on Monday, we will NOT have a Troop meeting or any other meeting on Halloween Night (Oct 31) so everyone can participate in their community plans for Halloween.

Things to bring this Monday

-Popcorn sales sheet

-Wreath Sales Sheet and (pink) wreath Order Form

-More Ideas (and supplies) for Rube Goldberg Machine

- Haunted Halloween ideas and supplies.

Next Troop meeting is Nov 7

Mr. F


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